I guess I haven't posted since I had the radiation treatment at the end of July. It was a real trip. Four subsequent days of proton radiation, then we wait for the tumor to die. The location of the proton machine is in a sweet little town and so aside from eye cancer treatment every afternoon, we also had a sort of mini-vacay.
Here's a picture on the monitor taken during one of the treatments--my husband took this with the doctor's okay.
And here's one of my eye with the "eye retractors in". They gave me more than a few nightmares beforehand, but honestly, they were not painful or uncomfortable in any way. They numb the holy-loving shit out of your eye and lids--a whole bottle of numbing agent--so it's not bad at all.
So here's where we are now:
We've moved my retinology and oncology appointments to the end of August instead of September, because we're pretty sure there's no fucking way we're going to be able to raise $1331- for the third month in a row for COBRA. We won't know if the tumor is dying until I see the retinologist so we are keeping it this month.
However....there's always a but, isn't there? We raised about $900 between Indiegogo, a few e-Bay sales, yard sales (2), a bake sale at the yard sales, and we're still short about $500-. Why, you ask, are we short $500- if we only needed the different between $900 and $1331, or $431-. Well....because we used some of the COBRA money to pay for my cell phone, which I use for work. We used part of the previous unemployment check my husband received to pay for the trip to Davis for radiation treatment. That was not a cheap trip (or trick!).
$1800- in unemployment is not enough to pay for rent, utilities, car insurance, food--for us and 3 cats--cell phone, and COBRA. Indeed. If all we paid was COBRA, we would have $469 left over a month. Our rent is not quite twice that. HA!
So. I'm looking for ideas on new ways to create income. Yes, I have looked for temporary jobs--because I also broke my ankle this last February (trimalleolar fracture with dislocation) and recovery from this level of injury is years, I cannot stand for long periods of time, and when I say "long," I mean 10 minutes. It shoots up my right side to my hip and then my back and the pain is excruciating. So I can't grab quick gigs like waitressing, cashiering, hostess, etc. I have to be able to sit for most of the work. Hell, I sit down to do dishes or cook, what little cooking I do now.
I did just complete two editing gigs and two more are close to being done, but when I'll see the payment is hard to say. Tomorrow? Next month? I don't know. Whenever the client pays. They have 30 days after the completion of a project.
But in the meantime.........what do we do? I even have a diamond bracelet that was gifted to me for sale on Craig's List. I've had one nibble in the last week. *sigh* Everyone is having a hard time right now, and have for years. Boy do I know it. But I just need one more month. Of course, if the tumor is not dying, but is, in fact, growing, I'll need more treatment, and we'll be right back where we started, but that's a road I don't even want to walk down right now.
I can only think of today, this week, this month.
I'd appreciate your thoughts and ideas on how to raise some cash quickly (we can't sell one of our cars as we thought because one is dying, and my husband, who has an interview this week *pleasepleaseplease* will need a car to get to work if one dies. And then, also, I would probably move with him to this particular location--it's quite nice, so we could survive on one car.)
OK, I'm oversharing. I really just need some good ideas. Post 'em if you got 'em. Thank!!!