Saturday, July 2, 2011

Loan Counseling

Did that yesterday, online. It was SIXTEEN pages, and each page had a 5 question quiz. So you had to actually read the thing. *yawn*  Like I'll remember. LOL

This isn't the last step, though. Not by far. Now the school needs to send me something else to look at / read / quiz / sign.

The last time I got financial aid, I didn't do any of this. I did have to submit my taxes each year at Chico and USC. I had a heckuva time convincing USC that they wouldn't be getting my parents' tax returns since I hadn't lived with them for over 20 years and my dad wasn't going to turn them over anyhow. LOL And I had to do it each year I attended there.

So we're moving forward. And none of these balls could have gotten rolling until I was enrolled, hence the anxiety. Plus, I always worry about fuckups. I worked at a big insurance company in the 80s, and every once in a while, they would fuck up my paycheck--pay me in pennies instead of dollars; or .40 instead of 40 hours--and I started getting a feel for when it was going to be fucked up. And I was usually right. Usually about twice a year. So there is still room and time for more upfuckery by the university. Until the night I take my first class, I won't be comfortable about school.


  1. Interesting that they have this now. I didn't have this at UCLA, for which I will being making payments until I retire (if I calculate correctly, but not beyond, D.V.).

    Even if I'd had the counseling, however, I would have accepted the loans, There was no other financial option for where I was at, at that time.

  2. I know, right? USC had us sit in a classroom and listen to a lecture, then go over each piece of paper we had to sign. And that was in 2000. If they think people are defaulting because they're skinflints, they haven't paid attention to the economy lately.

    I'll probably never own a home, but by G*D, I'll have three degrees and the loans to pay for them. *rolleyes*

