Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Holy Crap!!

I called my briend this morning to tell her my internet was down and I didn't know when it would come back up, so if she needed to get in contact with me, she'd need to call the land line. My cell phone, laptop, and e-reader all run on the Wi-Fi.

While we were talking, she told me that she and the other owner of the company I work for spent about a month talking about closing the business.


I think the bookkeeping problems have become overwhelming for them. So they're having a meeting with their accountant this week and hopefully can get some things straightened out and re-strategized, because right now, in addition to enjoying the work, this is the only income I've got going on at the moment. *gulp*

I think to really make this work, they need to relinquish some duties and some control to others and not try to do everything themselves. Delegation is a learned skill. There's a certain amount of trust involved.

I did NOT see that coming.

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