Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Moment of Panic

The first of many, I'm sure.

Yesterday was registration for classes, and as a cohorts program, we're all supposed to be registered in the same classes at the same time, automatically. [Or as I always say after an English-as-a-second-language, and very cruel bureaucrat once said to me, auto-muh-tickally.]  But they weren't--I wasn't enrolled in any classes even after midnight!

Panic!!  Now what? I double-checked the checklist they sent me of things to do and it clearly said "automatically" for my program. So what was the deal? No email had gone out stating there was a problem, or a change, or cats and dogs were falling from the sky.

So I decided to err on the side of caution and I wrote my advisor (lovely woman). She wrote back today and told me that the clerk responsible for doing that is working on it and it should be completed by the end of the week--evidently there's not one, does-it-all button; each person must be added manually. And since my last name comes at the end of the alphabet....probably the end of the week.

I wrote my advisor back and thanked her stating, "I just don't want to miss any deadlines."
She said she looks forward to working with me and appreciated that I was "concerned enough to follow up."


Tonight is a technology lecture (online--everything's online), and I'm looking forward to that.

I'm really excited to get started with school. I really am.

UPDATE:  6:39pm, Wednesday

I was a little late logging into the site for the Cloud Computing colloquium because I was in the wrong place because my window was not maximized and I didn't get the last bit of directions. I'm not sure if I missed anything important, but it was like listening to a seminar on insurance:  I have no idea what she was talking about. I still don't know what Cloud computing is and how it differs from traditional, off-site server storage. Except that it's cheaper and more streamlined. If it was recorded, I'm going to go back and listen to the beginning again and see if it makes any more sense.  The other people in the colloquium had really good (not understandable by me) questions, but I'm assuming most of them are summer students who have already had at least one or more years of the program under their belts.

The technology program I needed to learn? I was able to do that *before* the lecture; however, I didn't realize I had to log out of it and log back in for it to work. *ahem*

Lot's to learn.

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