Thursday, September 27, 2012


This blog is turning into a place where I can vent my frustrations about my "job." Every job has them, I get it. But the payment problems are different...that's just...disorganization.

So now I'm back to my old complaint: Not getting follow-thru with my requests.

I have a client--my favorite, I confess--who is ready to publish book no. 2, and two weeks ago this person and I had a conversation about what he wanted to do with it, and I forwarded it to my boss to draw up and send him a contract. We used to do our own contracts, but starting in February, it has to be one of the two owners who draws them up. I always thought it was weird that they trusted me--a new contracter/employee--to draw up contracts. Whatever.

If you already guessed "still waiting on the contract," then you guessed right. Two weeks. No contract.

So I sent a reminder over to the publisher.

Getting SO tired of this.

My mood is not great, so everything like this, not going as planned, helps my mood plummet, but jeez. Really? Do I have to ask multiple times for everything? Maybe you take on too much and you need an assistant? *sigh*

And no, still not paid for July gig or mid-August gig. Whatever.

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