Friday, September 21, 2012


No response from either boss to my e-mail; however, an email from the bookkeeper stating that two checks came in today and they are on the way to me, clear across town. *snort*

One of them I wasn't expecting, so it's a bit more than I was counting on. And fab.

Now what?

Don't know.

I'll let you know when I do.

1 comment:

  1. My gut reaction is that I would find working for this outfit too precarious and unsustainable, and to preserve my own sanity and ensure a regular, adequate income on which I could depend, I'd bail.

    That said, when there's nothing in sight to bail *to,* bailing seems less attractive. I get it: I worked for four years as an independent contractor for an outfit I loved but where I didn't get paid regularly or enough.

    Eventually I did get to the point where I bailed, and I wished I'd done it sooner. But it's a personal choice, everyone's threshold point is different, and you do have a second person and potential income stream from that.

