Sunday, September 11, 2011

It's Done

I dropped my two classes (I was never sure if they were 3 or 4 unit classes); I wrote my advisor; and I posted a farewell on one of the class discussion boards. Since the program is cohort driven, I had all the same people in both classes, so I only need to post on the one message board. I left my email if anyone wanted to stay in touch, but I'm not sure we knew each other long enough or well enough to do that, but we'll see. I'm open to anything.

The last day to "drop" was September 6, so I'm not exactly sure what the fallout will be for me, although I'm sure it won't be in my favor. I am concerned about that, but I am not overwhelmed with it. We'll see how that develops.

There is some sadness with my withdrawal from the program, but no regret. I don't see myself taking any more classes with an eye to a degree, although I certainly would take classes, and probably will, for personal or professional development. I have so many interests, that a ten lifetimes wouldn't be enough to study all the things that I want to study in depth.

As for this blog, I'm going to keep it. I like the voice I've found here, and the tone, and I love the template (murple); I'm not sure what I'll be writing about if not school, but I'll just take it one day at a time for now. I hope you'll stay with me.

Let's see where we go.

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