Friday, May 23, 2014


My husband is annoying the ever-loving shit out of me. I can barely stand to be around him. He talks about the same things over and over and over, and even if I tell him "I heard this" or even, "I was there" he continues to tell me the story.

 So I ignore him about 90% of the time.
He makes stupid choices.
 He constantly shoots himself in the foot.
He has the common sense of a rock.
 He can be and often is an idiot.

I'm tired and exhausted of dealing with his low self-esteem and inability to do something right as well as emotional outbursts which border on hysteria and rage. Not border, ARE.

I spoke to a therapist over the phone, and she told me she could get me referrals to some women's shelters ASAP. I don't need that, but would take it if I thought it would get me out of this fucking hellhole I find myself living in.

The truth is...I can barely stand to be around him anymore. I stay up late so I can be alone, do what I like without him commenting, questioning, or being annoying. UGH. And I don't have to sleep with him at the same time. He snores loudly and hogs the bed. If I wait until about 2am--he's up at 6--he's quieted down and I can get some rest and some covers.

I think. I think. I think the marriage may be over. Although that makes me sad, and my heart hurt, inside of me is a young woman (ha!) who is jumping up and down and screaming yes! yes! yes!

I'm not sure how this is going to play out. I hope it's not messy.